Craig Levy
My name is Craig Levy, and I’m the Chief Financial Officer for Playday!
After studying economics and finance at The University of Maryland, College Park, I was recruited to work for a Commercial Real Estate firm on Wall Street in 2004. Then, I was given the dream opportunity to host a sports talk radio show on WGCH in Greenwich, CT. Once the show was bought by another network, I went on to become part of The Cheesecake Factory’s Management Operations team within one year of employment. I opened four new locations from 2012-2014 as part of the NE Regional Opening team. Then, I was recruited into management at Palm Steakhouse. I held the title of the company’s youngest GM and was given the second highest volume restaurant. In 2019, I was promoted to a regional mentorship role. Then, in May of 2021, I joined Playday!
My daughter, Emme, has inspired me to enrich communities with accessible creative opportunities. With proven talent in increasing company profit by improving guest experience, I strive to bring value and affordability to families through playday.
Have fun, be awesome!